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Native Gardens

Bringing the knowledge of plants, the soil, the birds and the bees alive in a thriving garden, however big or small. 

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Native gardens: A green escape.

Students of New Star Pole have been working on creating a native garden in their school premises. They already have garden spaces in their premises and still the project is decided upon to navigate the importance and role of native plants in regenerating the soil, the atmosphere and the micro-ecosystems to their health.


Preliminary research constitutes of the plants they already have in the garden and recognising if they are natives, and if they are to keep them as it is and understanding its role there, and if not, then figuring out how it is contributing to the micro-ecosystem created in that space.


Second is the data to collect from local nurseries, online research and the local gardening public they come across to find the native plants that they could easily plant in their school garden.


Third is that they collect the plants and plant them. Care for them of course and overtime observe the kinds of bugs and critters that come to the garden, and the kind of ecosystem the garden houses.


The first and second tasks are simultaneously done by two groups of students. And the third all together.


This task involves being actively seeking out the community members who garden, socialising with them. Gather information from the community, get them indirectly involved, make them curious and also get the students themselves curious and actively working to satisfying their curiosity.

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