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This is a model that can be followed through in any month and/or even a full year, the checklist below could be repeated each month or similar tasks could be grouped as a weekly project.  Here the participants make a pledge to not waste the listed items and/or resources and build a small group or community around the concept. 


Each day of the month, which could be any, the participants go through the following checklist and participate in the action of not wasting their available resources. 


The challenge is not just to waste a thing on the assigned day, but also to educate oneself on the ways we are contributing to the waste problem. This is a checklist for children aged 10-14 years of age. 


The checklist: 



Step 1: Make a pledge

Make a pledge to follow through on the list. But don’t worry if you can’t on some days. This is not to force you, but to start you on a low waste journey. Bring in your friends and work through the list and hold each other responsible. Make it fun, talk about it, and discuss the problem. 

Step 2: Take action

Remember to do the one thing every day to reduce waste, and remind your friends too. 

Step 3: Motivate Others

Click pictures if you can, if not, share your progress, your trouble with following the checklist with your friends, and family and motivate them and yourself to do it more. 

Step 4: Keep it up!!

If this exercise was fruitful, let's try again another month!!

How to check in on your students? 

Ask students to put a tick mark on the worksheet provided to see if they have done it, and ask to write down any trouble, or any significant thing they observed or some thoughts on the task they might have. 


Put a tick mark on the challenges you have completed: You can complete the challenge in any order. 

1. Say no to plastic bags!!


2. Bring a reusable bottle 


3. Bring snacks from home!!


4. Turn the tap off!! Save water. 


5. Take a walk in the neighbourhood, rejoice in the act of walking. 


6. Pick up litter in your school or your tole


7. If you eat outside, bring your leftovers home


8. Learn about composting!!


9. Declutter your classroom


10. Make yourself something by yourself, DIY


11. Wash your own clothes, No washing machine!! 


12. Repair something in your house


13. Bring a reusable bag to the grocery shops with your parents. 


14.  Talk to your parents about seasonal vegetables and fruits


15. Walk to your school


16. Go grocery shopping in your local market


17. Sew a cloth grocery bag with your parents


18. Make separate dustbins for plastics and papers in your classroom


19. Use a handkerchief, instead of a paper tissue. 


20. Make or help your parent make your school lunch


21. Do a craft project with the waste stuff in your house. 


22. Help your parents mend a clothing item. 


23. Exchange an item of stationery with a friend.


24. Feed the excess food to the community animals 


25. Clean your house with a broom and a wipe. 


26. Donate two of your old stuff to a second hand store or charity. 


27. Talk to your friends about the many plastics we use daily. 


28. Declutter your school bag.


29. Start a herb planter, at your home, with the help of your parents


30. Don’t eat candy or chips today!!


31. Do a tally of your trash at home. Check what is being wasted and vow to reduce it. 


Do think about the question below: 

1. Were there any problems you faced in completing the challenges?

2. What thoughts were in your mind while doing the challenges?

3. Do you think we should do this challenge for a full year?

4. What new things can we add to the challenge?


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